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Half of Cancer Deaths Linked to Preventable Risk Factors
Half of all cancer deaths are preventable. Yes, you read that correctly! A new study found that close to half of all cancer deaths worldwide are associated with preventable risk factors. The behaviors that contribute to the majority of preventable cancer deaths include: • Smoking• Alcohol consumption• Elevated body mass index (BMI) Other notable risk factors included […]
Open Air Could Help Combat COVID-19
Fresh air and sunlight could be important factors in combating the Coronavirus. Past studies have highlighted the phenomenon called the “open-air factor” (OAF), defined as the “germicidal constituent in outdoor air that reduces the survival and infectivity of pathogens”, which has been proven to reduce the survival and infectivity of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia […]
Endocrine Disruptors Lower IQ In Offspring
Maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) mixtures are associated with lower IQ at the age of 7 in offspring. Previous studies have looked at the effects of single EDCs in children, and they have been linked to negative neurodevelopment outcomes. This latest study, published in the January of this year, looked at the impact […]
Exposure To Green Spaces
You work out daily at your local gym, get plenty of sleep, and eat mostly plant-based. You’re doing everything right. But could there be one area we could all improve on that will help us live happier, healthier, and longer lives? In the largest study of its kind, researchers found that spending time in green […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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