
Eat More For Breakfast, Live Longer
Eating more of your calories during the first half of your day could mean a lower risk of mortality from diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). A recent study found that if those with diabetes and cardiovascular disease make a small adjustment to the amount of food they eat in the second half of the day […]
Celiac Disease Concerns During The Pandemic
The pandemic has brought forth challenges for many people dealing with autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses. This is also true for those with celiac disease. Many patients are wondering if having celiac disease puts them at a greater risk of coronavirus infection and complications. According to the National Celiac Foundation, in general, those with […]
Managing Disease In The Covid-19 Age
In this webinar with Dr. Chutkan, hosted by Our Health Talks, you will learn the following: How Dr. Chutkan’s “Live Dirty, Eat Clean” mantra applies to health today Dr. Chutkan’s produce-cleaning regime Hallmark foods in a “clean eating” diet Risk of antibiotics Does having a GI issue make someone more susceptible to contracting illness? Explaining […]
Plant-Based Diet, Bloat, & What To Do About It
Sam: I suffer with numerous digestive issues – bloating, constipation, abdominal pain. However, I note that you recommend a plant-based diet. One of the main triggers of my pain are certain vegetable, legumes, nuts and seeds. Protein in the form of white fish and eggs is the easiest on my digestive system. I tried a […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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