
Gut Bacteria Feed On Colonic Mucus Layer In Absence Of Fiber
In the absence of fiber, gut bacteria eat the protective mucus layer in the colon, the gut’s primary defense mechanism against intestinal pathogens. In a mouse model, the study found that without dietary fiber, both in chronic and intermittent situations, gut bacteria begin consuming secreted mucus glycoproteins as a nutrient source, leading to the destruction […]
Jar and bowl with brown sugar on wooden table
Sugar silences a protein necessary for the colonization of beneficial gut bacteria. In a mouse model, Yale researchers found that fructose and glucose (sugars extremely abundant in the Western diet) block Roc, a protein essential for the colonization of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a beneficial gut bacteria strain associated with processing fiber rich foods like vegetables. Proceedings of the National […]
Cute tiny Syrian hamster on a bright blue background
The stress experienced during competitive social situations negatively affects the gut microbiome. The experiment was performed in Syrian hamsters, animals that compete to establish hierarchies of dominant and subordinate groups. The study analyzed gut bacteria before the hamsters met and after they had competed for hierarchical placement, then compared these samples to a control group of […]
Professional surgery. Selective focus of a surgical instrument being taken by a nice smart professional surgeon during the operation
General anesthesia negatively alters the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome. A 4-hour exposure to anesthesia (Isoflurane) in mice resulted in a significant decrease in microbial diversity and depletion of several commensal bacteria including Clostridiales. Anesthesia & Analgesia →Takeaway: Researchers conclude that anesthesia may lead to dysbiosis (imbalanced gut bacteria) in patients following an operation. If you have […]
High Number Of Disease-Causing Gene Mutations Found In Infants
An unusually high number of disease-causing gene mutations in babies were uncovered in a genetic screening study that consisted of 159 babies and tested for over 5,000 genetic variations linked to disease. Approximately 9% of the babies tested possessed genetic alterations that put them at risk for childhood diseases, such as cancer, vitamin deficiencies, hearing loss, […]
Lung Disease-Causing Bacteria Prevalent In Showerheads
A lung disease-causing bacteria, mycobacteria, is prevalent in showerheads. The University of Colorado at Boulder study tested DNA from 656 American and European households. Results found that mycobacteria are more prevalent in households with municipal tap water as opposed to well water. Mycobacteria abundance was also found to be more prevalent in American showerheads, which researchers hypothesize could be due to […]
Alarm clock on bed in morning with sun light
According to the CDC, sleep deprivation is a public health crisis. Studies show that just by going to bed earlier, you can improve your memory, cognitive performance, ability to learn new things and handle problems, mood, ability to lose weight, metabolic function, immunity, and heart disease risk. New York Times →Takeaway: Sleep is literally your magic pill to […]
sport, healthy lifestyle, medicine, nutritional supplements and people concept - close up of man in fitness bracelet with glass of water pouring pills from jar to hand
Could probiotics be a lot of wishful thinking? Extensive reviews of the existing probiotic literature show that probiotics are really effective for just three conditions – infectious diarrhea, post-antibiotic diarrhea in children, and a rare gastrointestinal disease called necrotizing enterocolitis. In addition, studies show probiotics may be ineffective in altering gut bacteria composition or diversity long-term. Nutrition […]
top view of different fruits and vegetables on marble table
What you eat alters your genes and those of your children. A new study reviews maternal diets during pregnancy and how maternal nutrient status and intake can cause epigenetic (environmental effects on gene expression) changes that increase obesity risk and other disease risk in offspring. Frontiers in Genetics →Takeaway: Nutrition is THE most important environmental factor that can […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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