
Variety is key for the microbiome
I’m fond of pointing out that “you are what you feed your microbes”, and more and more scientific evidence is bearing that out. A recent Washington Post article highlights just how important it is to feed your gut bacteria what they need, which is lots of indigestible and hard-to-digest plant fiber. But it turns out […]
Ultra-processed foods tied to colon cancer in men
These results seem odd; why men and not women? Let’s take a closer look at this study. Researchers from Tufts University assessed the influence of ultra-processed foods (including sugar-sweetened beverages, ready-to-eat meat-containing meals, baked goods, etc.) on cancer risk in three groups of men and women. Food consumption was measured using a dietary intake form […]
FMT Plus Diet Intervention Leads to UC Remission
Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), plus anti-inflammatory diet leads to remission in ulcerative colitis (UC). In a randomized trial, researchers split ulcerative colitis patients into two groups: an FMT group who was also eating an anti-inflammatory diet, and a standard medical therapy group with no dietary recommendations. 66% of patients in the FMT group showed a positive […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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