
Stock image image of bread skull and crossbones with crumbs on white background
Should I avoid gluten is probably a question many of us have asked ourselves over the last few years. Here is some useful information that may help you  get to the right answer. As you may know, gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) can trigger an immune response in some individuals, causing damage […]
What You’re Not Eating Could Be Making You Sick
Did you know that it may not be what you’re eating, but what you’re not eating that’s causing your GI distress? Most of us embark on dietary changes by omitting the culprits we believe cause us harm. Whether it’s gluten, dairy, processed sugar, or alcohol, our main focus is usually on subtracting the “bad” from our diets, rather […]
Ketogenic low carbs diet concept. Healthy balanced food with high content of healthy fats. Diet for the heart and blood vessels. Organic food ingredients, white marble background, copy space top view
I’m trying to lose weight and I keep stumbling upon the keto diet and other low carb options for weight loss. What’s your opinion on diets that limit or completely eliminate carbohydrates? Would it be ok for me to do a 4-week crash keto diet, then slowly reintroduce carbs? -Keri Dr. Chutkan: Keri, growing a […]
Healthy food concept.  Fresh Organic Coconut Water with coconuts, ice cubes and mint, on light blue background, copy space top view
Coconut water is one of the biggest wellness fads in the last 10 years. But is it everything it claims to be: a great source of potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, amino acids, and even cytokinins (a hormone with hypothesized antiaging, cancer-fighting properties), plus low in calories, and an excellent hydration tool? I can definitely speak to […]
Mix of colorful lentil on wooden background . Vegan food
Low FODMAPs Diet For SIBO – Is It Worth It? FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols) are difficult to digest or poorly absorbed sugars. In searching for an elimination diet to treat hives in the 1970‘s, Australian researchers created the beginnings of the low FODMAPs diet. In 2005 the diet was introduced as a […]
The Gut-Beauty Connection
When a patient walks into my office, I can see what’s going on with their outer appearance – from skin conditions to hair loss – way more quickly than what’s going on in their digestive tract. But make no mistake – there’s an intimate connection between the two: Studies have found that more than half of […]
Recently, I’ve been increasing the amount of fibrous vegetables I eat, based on the recommendations I’ve seen here. I’ve also started eating oatmeal again. But I seem to notice Candida flare-ups when I eat too much starch. Should I limit my intake of oatmeal and other starchy foods, such as sweet potatoes? Also, I’ve seen […]
Refreshing drinks for summer, cold sweet and sour lemonade juice with ice cubes in the glasses garnished with sliced fresh lemons
Some of the most common questions I get from my patients are: “Should I do a cleanse or detox?” “Will it help improve my symptoms?” “What about my gut heath or my appearance?” Some people rave about the cleansed, glowing feeling they have after a colonic, while others feel dried out and dizzy. Colonic irrigation, hydrotherapy, or colonics all […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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