
Mix of colorful lentil on wooden background . Vegan food
Low FODMAPs Diet For SIBO – Is It Worth It? FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols) are difficult to digest or poorly absorbed sugars. In searching for an elimination diet to treat hives in the 1970‘s, Australian researchers created the beginnings of the low FODMAPs diet. In 2005 the diet was introduced as a […]
The Gut-Beauty Connection
When a patient walks into my office, I can see what’s going on with their outer appearance – from skin conditions to hair loss – way more quickly than what’s going on in their digestive tract. But make no mistake – there’s an intimate connection between the two: Studies have found that more than half of […]
Recently, I’ve been increasing the amount of fibrous vegetables I eat, based on the recommendations I’ve seen here. I’ve also started eating oatmeal again. But I seem to notice Candida flare-ups when I eat too much starch. Should I limit my intake of oatmeal and other starchy foods, such as sweet potatoes? Also, I’ve seen […]
Refreshing drinks for summer, cold sweet and sour lemonade juice with ice cubes in the glasses garnished with sliced fresh lemons
Some of the most common questions I get from my patients are: “Should I do a cleanse or detox?” “Will it help improve my symptoms?” “What about my gut heath or my appearance?” Some people rave about the cleansed, glowing feeling they have after a colonic, while others feel dried out and dizzy. Colonic irrigation, hydrotherapy, or colonics all […]
Female doctor holding plate with fresh vegetables on light background. Cardiac diet
High dietary fiber intake lowers non-communicable disease (namely cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes) risk, and the relationship is causal. The study included all past studies (200+ observational studies and randomized control trials) involving dietary fiber and its relationship to human health. A dietary intake of between 25 and 29 grams of fiber showed the […]
Dietary Fiber Lowers Risk Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
High intake of dietary fiber is linked to lowering the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)  – a form of liver cancer that often develops in those with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. The study included over 125,000 participants with an average follow-up of 24 years and found that of those participants, 141 patients were diagnosed […]
Sample blood for screening diabetic test in blood tube on blood sugar control chart.
The same meal results in vastly different blood glucose levels across individuals. For one week a recent study monitored blood glucose levels and measured glucose responses to 46, 898 meals across 800 participants. After finding extreme variations in blood glucose levels in the participants after consuming identical meals, researchers successfully created an algorithm – taking into […]
Gut Bacteria Feed On Colonic Mucus Layer In Absence Of Fiber
In the absence of fiber, gut bacteria eat the protective mucus layer in the colon, the gut’s primary defense mechanism against intestinal pathogens. In a mouse model, the study found that without dietary fiber, both in chronic and intermittent situations, gut bacteria begin consuming secreted mucus glycoproteins as a nutrient source, leading to the destruction […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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